Crystal-Gazing & Spiritual Clairvoyance: Updated and Revised by one of the last living Masters of the Arte for the aspiring modern Adept by Kevin Wikse

 Kevin Wikse

In a world rife with chaos and deception, the ancient wisdom of crystal gazing and spiritual clairvoyance is more essential than ever. Over a century ago, Dr. L.W. de Laurence illuminated the path to developing intuition and clairvoyance. Today, this knowledge is crucial yet shrouded by a global elite determined to keep humanity blind and subjugated.

As a seasoned occultist and psychic warrior, Kevin Wikse has taken on the vital task of modernizing de Laurence's masterpiece. His mission is to arm spiritual seekers and psychic warriors with the tools to navigate our tumultuous times. The elites, intent on global control, fear the awakening of humanity, knowing that true sight can unravel their plots. This revised edition strips away archaic language and obsolete references, presenting the distilled essence of de Laurence's teachings. This is not just a guidebook; it's a call to arms for those ready to fight against the tide of darkness. Through steady focus and disciplined practice, you will learn to develop your intuition and clairvoyance. The crystal will become your ally, offering clarity and insight in a world clouded by illusion. In these pages, you will find the tools to awaken your dormant abilities, sharpen your intuitive skills, and harness the power of the crystal for spiritual empowerment. Become a psychic warrior, capable of seeing beyond the physical hindrances and labyrinthine conspiracies that ensnare the unwary. The battle for humanity's soul is raging. Embrace this ancient wisdom, modernized for today's seekers, and join the fight to expose the truth and thwart the dark plans of those who seek to control and destroy. Stand tall, see clearly, and let the light of truth guide you to victory.

$10 on Lulu: LINK

For more information, visit Kevin Wikse’s official website and join the community of enlightened seekers.


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